Archive for September, 2007

The Story…

Posted: September 19, 2007 in Uncategorized

One time, couple span jares ago, there was this one member rite. N E way, this oke was like one top o xse! This bra yer had one lukka vrou too rite. Was his ballies favourite lity too. But his ballie was an operator also rite, this ballie had 4 vrous xse! He had one lity from each vrou too. His one vrou chune the ballie he must send this bra away for 14 years other wise there will be speeches with him and her rite. She chuned him if you don’t send them, then there’s no more dis thing for you.

So da ballie chune o rite sharp. He chune this bra he mus vy way from the porsie. But his one lity bru chune, fock dat xse, he want to vy too. So this bra, his vrou and his lity bru chune kick it.

Now they were blying in a different section and this one porridge o gangster check this bra’s vrou. He chune she is lukka, looking gif and he wants her. You knor how these porridge ou’s get when they see bread stekkies.

This ganster o too had nor style so he tried to hash this bras vrou, man! This bra and his bru chune fock nor xse! You karn dalla a flop move like dat! You knor who we are xse? I’ll chop you one time!

They vied met up with one two other bras and vied to optel the porridge o’s! They vied xse, Focked the porridge o’s solid! Porridge o neva knew what hit them! These bru’s and their other braedo bra’s hit these okes once, they fell twice xse!

N E way after the speeches this bra, his vrou and bru chune vy porsie! All the other bread ou’s were so happy that the porridge okes gort focked up, they chune they must have one jol!
Big jol they had xse, fireworks, burfee, chuna makaj the works xse!

After that every year the okes have the same jol.

They call it
