Archive for July, 2008

I am sure you Charous heard this line before J How many ou’s gort blessed in their time or still vying every Tuesday for whip hiding by the aunty who ‘See’s’.


As soon as something is wrong by the possie or graaf even with your garnes then your Ma or granny will choon ‘let’s go see if everything is awright’ , definitely  somebody must be ‘Did It’ for you, I knew this will happen after you gort that promotion for Supavisor. People nowadays are soo jealous, what I must tell, yawl all nor what I am telling about but nor yawl don listen when I talk.


So this is the story, the charou then treks with his family after graaf to the aunty that ‘Sees’. Quick question… If this aunty was blind….will she still ‘See’ for you.


N E  ways, you must first take some stuff, cloves, camphor, grass, agarbathie etc. When you reach there you check one line of mense waiting to get blessed. You know the usual stories. Somebody put bad eyes. Child not doing well at school. Spirits are troubling by the possie. And the top one is The connections came and did something by the possie.


Moving on…the aunty then calls you in her temple, asks you one two questions, then she holds ur head and starts chanting some stories. And then it goes like this


Temple Aunty: Ja, I can see, something not right

Mother: You must open and tell us everything

Temple Aunty: Theres a man at your work, who sits next to you

Mother: Who sits next to you at, hawa that fulla must be put something in your food

Temple Aunty: He gort short hair and wears a jacket on cold days

Mother: Whatever he did to my son, you must send it back to him to effect him

Temple Aunty: This is what you have to do, I am first gonna give you some ashes, when you go to work you must sprinkle it around you and then you must take this other ashes and put it in that fullas tea when hes not looking.

Mother: You heard, must do as aunty is telling, otherwise you wont come right

Eish, I tell you man, some hectic stories happen in that room BUT I suppose it does help those in need help. And I am not dissing any sprits and the people who can ‘See’ but some mense take the gulaab jamoon and run.


Until next time ‘SEE’ you…..

JHB Charou