These day’s teenage daughters.

Posted: November 17, 2012 in Joburg Charou

You knor Cookie, that daughter of mine I tell you, she want all the best of the bestest things in her life.
That father of hers work so hard only to pay all this clothing account bills. Whoyoooo and let me not start about the cellphone account, someone will think she is taking calls for the president whole day  Cookie.

Because of her only my heart and all came way, where I had heart and all before Cookie.  When I  was her age where we had all this fancy fancy  gadgets. The only  thing my mother gave me at her age was a polishing brush and red cobra polish, I should strap it on my foot and imagine I am ice skating on the stoop.

The other day we was going to the shopping center, aiyooo you knor what she war, one short short tight denim shorts, I am not shy to say Cookie you like a house person isn’t. That denim shorts was shorter than my underwear  Cookie. You know what I did, I gave her one stiff killing look and told her go change it now before I turn around and give her one loose boot. You tell me Cookie what I am saying is right or wrong heh. If she go in the public like that what what she will attract. You knor these rubbish fulla boys what they are like.

I am so fedup with this child I dunno which way to turn true. Sometimes I pray by Swami that he rather take me away then I will be in peace. I must just ask her once to help me in the kitchen she take so long to peel potatoes like she gort butter fingers, but you mus see her type on her phone, she is like a Speedy Gonzales, but dare you look at her phone, then she hides it like a sputnik. This is not how I brawt them up Cookie. My mother mus be turning in her grave.

God only knows what what they type on that blerry phone, and she will be giggling like a hyena. The other day I saw her photos on Facebook, my God Cookie, dunno if she is the same daughter I Know true.
Her father will not even open his mouth and tell her one word.

One one word she tells me, sometimes I don’t knor what she is saying. What is all this Cookie,
When I ask her who she is talking to, then she say that’s my BFF, what is BFF and all

She says she is chillin…but it was so hot
The other day she asked if my father should make door handles, because I am acting like a knob. What she means.
When she see a nice flashy flashy car with doom doom music, she says the Car looks Sick, now tell me how can the car look sick. I hope this one not taking sugars.

The other day in the bathroom she said OMG loud…I screamed from the kitchen and said you idiot that is OMO.
She calls her brother Wanksta, since when that fulla Kesan changed his name.

She used to be soo nice Cookie, I should put coconut oil in her head and plat it and all. Now I dunno who she is true. Please talk to her and put some brains in her head for me.
And as for my son, I will tell you all about it next week when Telkom call more time come right Cookie.

Bye I am going to soak my clothes now.

JoBurg Charou

  1. zain says:

    first time reading Joburgcharou im impressed

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