Posts Tagged ‘Chaal’

Some of my family member’s vyed to the mother land recently…Not Durban, I am chooning about India. So when they returned I was inspecting the photos and all just to check and make sure they did not vye to one studio and put some backgrounds and lied they vyed over the seas.
Anyways all the photos was genuine…I mean for a Charou to have genuine stuff, thats another story.

Something really struck me whilst eyeing these photo’s (my cuzzie connected me on my head and chooned hurry up there), Seriously now looking at these photo’s I questioned, How are these Charous so different from us? Our origins are the same.

Looking at these pics I noticed, that our connections in India: 

·         They don’t have Gold Slits in their mouths

·         No gozzies on their heads

·         No Pringle and Soviet Shirts in sight

·         Gold is cheap in India, but they wear thin bracelets on their hands

·         Their vrou’s are doing all the hard graaf (big misshap happened on the Ship journey here,   something went wrong)

·         No hotted up cabs and taxis with Rockford Fosgate graphics

·         No doping Pagla Pani from their car boots

·         No Pictures of Rajbansi and Ramesh Hassen (Joke)

·         No Thitha thitha Mutton Curry

·         Don’t see anybody buying LIVE Fowl

·         No Speeches on the street (No one getting one capsizing  blow on the street)

·         No one eating Bunny Chow on the Capri bonnet

·         They not selling Narend  Singhs  DVD (Another Joke)

 So how did all this change happen here in SA? How have we become so different?
Well the main question is ARE WE CHAROUS or as AHIMSA put it some time ago


Whichever way I am glad I am here, I mean just imagine how boring it would be otherwise? I mean the Wit o’s will have nobody to act like them. The pouridge o’s will no longer have Bread’os as role models. Ashwin Desai will be out of a job. Rajbansi will have to move out of Chatsworth.

 N E ways enough of this story. Catch you later 

Don’t Drink and Drive…..Cos your wife will choon the whole family all your house problems

JHB Charou

CHAAL means BREED….For all the pouridge’os who don’t know the lingo.