Posts Tagged ‘Charous and their tunes’


Posted: November 13, 2008 in Uncategorized
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One thing Mallie, I won’t tell a word of lie…My children will never ever do a thing like this to me.

What a shame man, that fulla took another man’s wife and staying oiyoo she gort 3 children too. That lady is so old she is fit to be his mother. His poor mother hides her head in shame when she go market wonly. She have to put black polish on her face and go anywhere. 

Hawa last week only they came and created ava here, the whole district was watching their episodes. I was busy in the kitchen, I had live fowl on the stove and I was cleaning fresh fresh mushroom, Ram found in the… (can’t tell you where he found the mushroom, otherwise whole district will go there looking), when I heard the commotions outside, I put my stove on low heat and went to listen. 

What nerves that boy got Mallie, his mother only gave birth to him and brought him up from a small child, she used to suffer suffer and sell moorkoo to earn money to buy him nice nice things and all. Now he went and found that rubbish and he is throwing his OWN mother away. Tell me what nerves. As for his father, he don’t say a word to that boy, nothing, he just let him do  what he want. 

Because of all this problems his mother’s blood pressure and all SHOT UP SKY HIGH. What I did, Whats today Wensday, on Monday i went there and took one bowl broad beans curry for Saras. You know Mallie the way she poured her heart out to me…by the jugs. I told Saras if I was her I’ll catch that thing by her hair and give her nicely. 

Thank God my children is not like this man. They so well behaved.

Ey Rognee, my son saw your daughter in that club what’s it called….Cracket 2 or something like that in Sibaya.

Appa..rently she was dancing away with wun coloured fulla, you know how wild these people can get.

And then there was SILENCE…….

Until the next episode.

JHB Charou