Posts Tagged ‘Charous Maths’

Merebank Charous are SHARP

Posted: November 13, 2008 in Uncategorized
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Pwi...The Hot Gujji

Pwi...The Hot Gujji




 Just to prove things right, right. I asked this Charou to show us how good the owens from Merebank are. Cos I am always hearing that all the Sharp Charous live in the ‘Banks’.



The following intelligent maths questions was asked’

What is a:

Hypotenuse: A big, fat animal that lives in the rivers of Africa

Equilateral: A line that runs around the middle of the world

Octagon:  Ocean Basket makes calamari out of this

Algebra: New bra for stekkies 

Obtuse angle: obvious angle to use you phone camera 

Acute triangle:  also known as a samoosa

Prime Number:  A hot chick

Pythagorean Theorem: A type of snake

Radius: also known as my district  

Bisect: A man or woman who is attracted to both men and women 

Common Denominator: that ou who is always causing a speech

Polyhedron: A girls’ name.

Trapezoid: That article we jump on in the park 

Tessellation: Putting white paper on the tressel at a wedding Jol

Theorem: Manogran’s bru X and Y Axes: A shop in the mall selling Soviets and Levis  

Ey man these owens are too sharp

Sharp Sharp 

JHB Charou
