Posts Tagged ‘Curry and Rice’

As most of you know my vrou owns a take away and spice shop in Weltevreden Park The Mistress of Spice and I love being there meeting and talking to the characters…I mean customers that come into the shop. No offence to anybody right, we still love yawl.

  1. A  man stands at the entrance of the shop and asks at the top of his voice ‘You gort head’ what he really meant to ask was ‘Do you sell sheep head?
  2. Ey so nice shop yawl gort, yawl sell spices here? You must be coining it right?
  3. Can I have a quarter half bunny?….huh
  4. How many people does a portion for one feed?
  5. Yawl sell mineral?
  6. A lady walked in recently holding her hand and I asked..What happen aunty?  She really said…..‘I gort hand’
  7. A ballie came in the other day, early in the morning and asked me if I have some old oldies? you mean golden oldies. Top top he starts singing all the old Mukesh and Kishor hits…Idols.
  8. The common question asked by most of the customers always starts with ‘Yawl haven’t gort…’
  9. Recently wun aunty phoned and asked if we gort lime and ashes…she want to brush her grandchild he is very naughty.
  10. My wife was talking to this lady a couple of days ago and she was waiting to see the doctor next door. During their conversation the lady said to Seema ‘she dunno who I am’…thats a killer Chatsworth line.
  11. 2 Weeks ago an elderly couple walked into the shop to order a good bunny chow….Reason behind this? He son and daughter-inlaw stay in the Hestate Eagle Canon, both of them gort so nice jobs but ‘SHEwunly cooks pasta wasta everyday, where we can eat like that white peoples food. We can even dish and eat on the sofa to watch Days, she quitely gives us that dagger looks.

Those of you fortunate enough to have old folk around you….take 30 minutes give them a hug hold their hand and listen to their stories….you will laugh.

Watch for my next post….Mother inlaw vs Daughter inlaw.

Do you have a lukker story for me? Drop me an email.

Joburg Charou.