Posts Tagged ‘Kesan Tripple K’

Hello Cookie how you?
Health, wealth all alright Ma?
The pimples on your face died down. Must take some opening, maybe too much heat in your body.

Cookie, last week only Kesan telling me in the kitchen, Ma I gort wun beeg surprise for you, wait until Saturday.
Cookie, I could not wait any more, I nagged him like I nag his father until it came out. Kesan said he is bringing one girl home to show me her face and all. Whoiyoo Cookie what a shock I gort isn’t I was going to take him and ask Maliga for her daughters hand.
Kesan, I hear telling me, Ma don’t worry my girlfriend is a Rihanna, she shines bright like a diamond. My God Cookie, this fulla bringing Muslim girl home what, because the only Rihana I know is Ahmedy’s daughter nor, and that wun is so healty like a bumbly march.

Anycase Cookie, to cut the long story short, he brought it and came way on Saturday, when he opened the door, I just quickly caught it with my own eyes, whoiyoo Cookie, I rushed into my room for my pump. In my head only I am saying why Swami why Swami, you know how the families gonna laugh. Kesan this fulla brought it one colored girl home Cookie. She was wearing so short dress, when she went to sit I could see the ship in the harbaa.

You tell me Cookie, what not we did for this fulla, and now he put black polish in our face. His father worked so hard and bought for him that GTi, and we put that cooking oil rims for him, what they call it, Helios, how he cried for those rims and we saved and bought it. That man gives his life for Kesan, December only I gave him half his fathers hard earned bonus to go put doom doom sound, I can’t even put one rice and oil in his trunk such a fit he throws it. We did all this for him just to go attract wun butterfly like this.

What he thinks I am going to put sweets in a tray and go Wentworth for proposal. Over my dead body. Sometimes I ask Swami why he put me on this earth to suffer. When she was sitting in the lounge I din even ask if she want one cup tea, where they drink tea Cookie, isn’t they only drink drink everywhere and throw performances.

When Kesan’s father walked into the room, I expected him to say something to Kesan you know in a nice way so he can open his head a little bit and see. But this husband of mine looked at that girl and said Kessan, this girl is on fire, If the daughter so beautiful, I can only imagine what the mother look like.

Cookie please come and take me to go see Saras, let her open trans and tell me what’s happening in my house, because I think somebody is cutting my road.
Ey, I can’t talk too much now I have to go braise my food.

JoBurg Charou